I think of myself as a seasoned optimist. When the Fit hits the Shan, I am usually good at finding the lemonade in the pile of lemons. Both of my parents have low blood pressures, so I think that I get that
from them.

With that said, I am not feeling all that great with the Covid situation that our communities are in currently. Now, I am not a doomsayer, but after March 2020, we need to be ready for anything. We cannot fall back on the excuse, “I never thought this could happen.” Anything can happen; we know that, so here are a few notes to let you know where we are as a company.
Loyalty Membership Level. You know that I like to have a seat for everyone at our table. It is a fantastic policy to have, but I honestly almost got myself over our capacity during the height of the pandemic. Our infrastructure and crew were pushed to the limits. Under the current labor shortages, we cannot go there again.
So I am cleaning up our website’s database to help ensure that we have the food and people in place to take care of our customers no matter what comes at us.
Therefore, I am taking every customer who has ordered with us in 2021 and placing them into Loyalty Membership Level. What this means for you is that we will reserve your seat at our table no matter what happens with any potential spikes in Covid demand. We are committed to taking care of our most loyal customers first. Furthermore, our pricing and delivery fees Will Not increase for this membership level. Best of all, this membership level is free. We just want to thank you and reward your loyalty, and give you peace of mind.
Now how about some fruit? After a cool spring on the western slopes of Colorado, summer harvest season is finally picking up for Paul the Excelsior orchard crew. Seeing as how we have a lot of new faces at the table, I’d like to share our partnership with you.
In 2004, Excelsior Orchards was increasing their production under the stewardship of Paul and Elane. At that same time we were just a baby company (still in our Organic reusable diapers). Paul was looking to sell some incredible fruit. We were looking to buy some incredible fruit. Our partnership was born.
Excelsior is 85 acres in Paonia, CO. Honestly some of the best tree fruit growing regions in the country. Michigan and California cannot compare to the soils and climate that Paul has on his orchard. He starts with the best possible foundation, and his attention to details makes him the best fruit grower with the tastiest fruits. And I’ve tasted a lot.

As our demand for his fruit grew, Paul and I came up with a fantastic goal; he concentrates on growing the fruit, and we will find homes for it. So over a green chile cheeseburger and a cup of coffee (we drink a lot of coffee), our partnership was sealed with a handshake.
Now, you have access to the most unique and incredible fruit that you have ever put a tooth into. This week (starting on Tuesday deliveries) we will have Shiro Plums. These are some of the most interesting plums. They have a yellow skin. Because of that, they will show blemishes easier than dark skin plums. You will not see them in any grocery store. But the flavor of the Shiro is out of this world. Look for them.
Stay healthy, Farmer Monte