There are a lot of things shaking around here these days so let me take a few moments and bring some of them to your attention. First to the plate this week, cardboard boxes. Talking about cardboard is not all that sexy so we will get it over with first. Our office manager, Victoria, talks with so many of our members. Daily, she hears your feedback and thoughts to make us a better part of your lives. So she came to me and said that our current cooler system is actually a disincentive for folks wanting to place larger orders.

Her idea was that as members order more food (supporting us more) we actually punish them by slapping multiple cooler deposits on the order. So someone may have a $130 order, but then we nail them with $60 of cooler credits. Not a great system. And you know what, she is totally right.

Our coolers are incredible at keeping meats, dairy and tender produce safe from the wild world. But, does a jar of peanut butter need the same protection? Sorry peanut butter but you just don’t need the same white glove treatment as baby spinach. So if you have a larger order, we will try to save you the cooler credits by placing all not so perishable items in a cardboard box and all sensitive items in the beloved cooler. All while not sacrificing any quality controls on the products.
Secondly this fine week, look for some new products coming your way. Next week we will be launching a new product line from one of the most iconic food brands in New Mexico (see if you can guess), but this week we have added a new category that I am excited about, Health & Wellness. A couple of years ago as I was having a stare-down with my 40th birthday, I jumped into the world of vitamins. And seeing as how I knew nothing about vitamins, I needed some experts.
Luckily we have two members who owned the Vitamin Trader, Bryan and Katy Flamm. So I was fortunate to sit down with them several times to chat vitamins and what it might look like to offer them through the web site. Fast forward to this week and we have what I might call a “soft launch” into a Health & Wellness offering. Why the soft launch though?
I want to build this section slowly and consciously and with lots of help. This is not and will not be a give you 1,000 choices and then you figure it out. When that happens you are left to the efficacy of the branding company rather than the merit of the supplement. So if you would like to see/have access to certain supplements via our web site, please let me know. But know that in addition to customers’ wants, we will be working with knowledgeable supplement providers to bring you the best quality products at a great value to you.
From there I also want to give a reminder that have added some really cool sweatshirt hoodies to the web site as well. These are the hoodies that our crew wears and they are very stylin’. Look for them under the SKRS Swag tab. We have more coming in soon if you do not see your size available.

Produce notes: You have probably realized by now that we are in the most incredible time of year for citrus. The flavors that I am tasting on a daily basis are just blowing me away. The dance between the bite of the acids and the sweetness of the sugars leave me always wanting to try another piece of fruit. Which is why I find myself eating probably a dozen pieces of citrus a day right now. I don’t eat them all that much during the summer, but something feels so good about getting juice all over my hands in the middle of the winter. To me, it tastes like the promise of summer on the coldest of days.
I am happy to also see Brussels sprouts making their way to the party. Brussels are the funkiest looking plants and take forever to grow. I cannot think of an annual veggie that takes longer to grow than the Brussels. I have two thoughts on cooking them quickly. One is if you like a big plump sprout, steam or sauté (covered) the sprouts. Great with a little butter and salt/pepper. If you like your Brussels with a stronger flavor, definitely roast them. Tossed with some olive oil, roasted at 400 degrees for about 35 minutes. Brussels share the stage well with garlic and a thick balsamic vinegar. Just avoid overcooking them or you will have flashbacks to a cafeteria line from the ’80s. Or maybe that is just me.
Have a tasty week, Farmer Monte