Few Housekeeping Notes:
Our website just went through a little refresher. Nothing major, but the Harvest Boxes were affected. With this update, we will not be able to put as many items in the Harvest Boxes as we were before. We had to put them on a diet.
What you will see now is about 100 seasonal offerings all on 1 page. Still a very easy way to scroll through and add items to your order from several categories. We will, as we have for 2 decades, offer the weekly produce picks of the week. And these Harvest Boxes will be a fantastic way to stroll through our Produce aisles as well as see what our Kitchen Crew is highlighting.
One other functionality that I want to point out is our system’s ability to place Recurring Orders. If your family goes through a gallon of milk a week, just set it and forget it. Place any number of staple items on recurring order so you do not accidentally miss your cut-off time.
OK, enough housekeeping….So June is one of my favorite months of the year. Even though my back hair keeps me rather warm throughout the year, my body operates better in the heat. When the temps start to hit 90, then I am happy bear.
June is also Pride month. And I have to tell you that the word Pride has been spinning in my mind a lot recently.
As the grip of COVID continues to ease up, I feel very Proud of our crew. Since the world shut down on 3/11/20, our communities asked for our food more than ever. Demand shot up 500% and our crew had to be here to help feed New Mexicans. There was no option for Zoom in our world. We had to come into work.
And over the last 15 months, we have had No cases of COVID in our crew. Truly amazing. We masked up and came together as a team to accomplish so much. An incredible victory for the power of a team.
Furthermore, every single one of our crew members could have thrown in the towel and made more money living on inflated unemployment checks. Know this about our team…No one stayed here because of the money; they could have done better financially watching reruns of The Golden Girls. But everyone knew how important our work is and showed up and kicked butt. This makes me a very proud papa.
I am also a firm believer in the Inclusive nature of Pride month. It might be why I love food so much. Food brings people together. I would be willing to bet that food was involved in the best memories of your life. Food is an incredible uniter. We experience other cultures and people through food. The unity that food brings helps breakdown walls and barriers that we can arbitrarily put in place. Connect through food.
And lastly I will say that from the very first day we broke ground (3/3/2003), our mission has been about offering everyone a seat at our table. Our crew members are every color of the rainbow. Our customers are every color of the rainbow. And I love it.
After a year of COVID and a bumpy election year, I think everyone should take a pause and be Prideful of where we are as a group. Celebrate our similarities. Celebrate (and learn) from our differences. And all take a deep breath and smile knowing that we have green pastures ahead of us and have overcome so much.
Pride On, Farmer Monte