We have a very simple business mantra around here, “Protect the Herd.” Every decision that we make as a business is based around the idea that when the Herd does Better, every individual within the Herd will be Better. It is a simple notion to visualize and our team is stronger because of it. When you know that the person working next to you wants you to succeed, amazing things happen. Trust and shared visions become the norm and not the exception.

But this notion of Protecting the Herd spills outside of our work walls as we look at building the best regional food system that we can. Our Herd is all of the members who support our mission. Who support us and all of our local partners. You all have supported us for over 18 years and we want to support you and your family in anyway that we can. I believe in the strength of teams.
So follow me down this rabbit hole for a bit as I layout an expanded plan to reinforce our Herd.
I am a food nerd. I love trying different flavors. This is probably not a huge shock, but I feel that I have been able to try so many different things because on the farm you don’t have to buy stuff; you just eat what is around you. Could be a weed, could be a crazy variety of Asian greens. Just eat it. Try it out.
Most of us are not surrounded by weird flavors every day. We make a calculated decision in a market setting where we buy flavors. And for the most part, we buy flavors that we know. So it is hard to part with your pesos when you aren’t sure if you will like the food.
My goal is to help make SKRS a more educational & fun food experience for our Herd: Give you free food.
I am going to find foods that we will just give you for free. Sometimes it will be just a token of thanks for all your support. Like we are doing this week with gorgeous bunched carrots. But other weeks we will find nuanced flavors that may be new to you. We will offer these to you for free in hopes that you expand and have more fun with your food journey.

As I have shared before, one of the things that I am most grateful for in my life is being surrounded by tasty, healthy, and incredible foods on a daily basis. It is my life’s work to share this with as many people who are interested. I do not believe in force-feeding people my beliefs. I want to offer you things that enrich my life. If you like them, great. If not, we can still be amigos.
V.I.P.ing the Herd. We are getting closer to finalizing our Market/Café, The Stand. This space has taken longer to finish than I had hoped, but it will be one of the most unique and enjoyable food spaces you will ever visit. With that, we will be launching a “Soft Opening” coming up in early September. The soft opening is our way to test recipes. Gear up and educate staff. Basically, just kick the dust off the tires.
This Market/Café concept would not be happening without your continued support. Therefore, you will have the first chance to come visit and enjoy it (and offer us feedback). We will not be opening to the public until our current members have had an opportunity to eat, see, and feel the space.
I am committed that this new concept will enhance our service/products to you. This is not a distraction from our mission to feed New Mexicans who love our food. This project should help expand it to new heights.
Munch on, Farmer Monte