Some insane mandarins just hit our door. Wow. Perfect acid sweet combination. Look for them in the boxes this week.

Every year the first week of January kind of feels like I am a teacher welcoming students back to class after a month break. December is a time for parties, posole, and pies and leaves little room (or excitement) for produce. But have no fear because the time for resolutions is here. And just as folks forgot about the poor chard leaf during the holidays, salads and greens are on the front burner of attention now. So after 17 years of watching the healthy trends in January, let me share a few things that I have learned watching the gentle glow of optimism turn into the iron fist of reality.

First off amigos (and this will be on the test) we have to look at the root of a resolution. A resolution is a desire for a lifestyle change. Big or small. Some people want to quit swearing like a drunken sailor; others maybe want to smile at strangers a little more. However you slice the resolution pie, the crust is still rooted in a lifestyle change.
With that, in order to fully adopt changes in our lives, I believe these new resolutions need to be driven by positivity and not negativity. As human beings we react for two reasons, either moving away from a negative or moving towards a positive. I believe it was Mother Teresa of Calcutta who once said that “I will go to a Peace rally but I will not go to a War protest.” And if Mother Teresa didn’t say that, well she sure should have because it is an awesome saying.
Anyway, back to my point. For our resolutions to have sticky power and for us to have the best chance of bringing those changes into our lifestyle, make them as positive as you can. So we need to frame it not as “I need to quit eating fast-food,” but rather “I want to feel healthier by eating healthier.” You get the idea and it may seem like splitting hairs, but positivity is a more sustainable emotion than anger/fear. So try and think about resolutions as a move towards these greener pastures.
Second, if you are looking for a healthier way to eat this new year, I have the easiest “diet” for you. And just to be clear, I do not live by it all year so don’t yell at me if you happen to see me eating a breakfast burrito at the Frontier.
The “diet” consists of just eating nutrient dense food. Period. I hate counting calories, looking at grams of protein, or measuring carbs. So the easiest way I have found to eat healthier is to just ask myself if what I am about to shove in my pie hole is nutritious or not. And here is the spoiler alert, we all know the answers to these questions. Carrots, yes a good choice. Fried foods and bread, not so much. But there is no counting, weighing or measuring involved.
So why does this work? It works because our bodies feel the need to eat for two reasons, 1) there literally is nothing in your stomach so you feel hungry, 2) our bodies need energy to fuel the engine of our muscles. But an amazing thing happens as you eat nutrient dense food, you feel full on less food and less calories. Then, by default and without calorie counting, you will have more energy and lose weight (if that is a goal).

This is what I like to think of as the Fast-Food Conundrum; when you eat fast-food (fills space in your belly) and you get calories (for energy), but there are no nutrients so your body still feels hungry. And the body will remain hungry until it gets the nutrients. Think about that, you could have three meals a day but your body can be starving of malnutrition. So focusing on nutritious foods you will be amazed at how full you feel on smaller portions/servings.
Lastly this fine January day, expectations. I always find it easier to make a plan if you know what to expect. Surprises are not good for building a routine. So here is what you should expect from us this new year. Citrus. Our Arizona growers are in the absolute peak of their seasons right now. Mandarins, grapefruit, oranges, lemons, and limes are coming in by the ton. Off the trees and to you within the week. You will not find fresher citrus anywhere. Greens too are peaking with cool nights and cool days. The cool temps increase the sweetness of the greens and eliminate any bitter flavors.
Lettuce, tomatoes, onions, carrots, and green chile all still in good supply from our New Mexico growers. Also some amazing grass-fed beef options are available on the web site from our local ranchers. All in all just a fantastic time to be eating healthy and enjoying the new year.
Happy grazing, Farmer Monte