And just like that, with the snap of your fingers and we are preparing to make a turkey dinner again. Yes, it is time for the annual food lovers final exam. Do you stick to the staples or got out on a limb and throw some red chile in the gravy to spice up the usual? So much fun with food this week I just love it. Have a blast with the planning and preparing for your master piece.

So as you prep for the feast, tune into our web site for help. Victoria and Sarah have brought in a ton of items to help you plan an incredible meal and stay out of the grocery store. My stress level planning the perfect day is a lot lower while I order food with a glass of wine sitting on my couch. Let us help you stay as cool as a cucumber this year.
Speaking of cucumbers, they will be in the box next week for Thanksgiving. But we will also have all of the usual suspects that you would expect to see on Thanksgiving. Potatoes, onions, carrots, celery, herbs, lemons/limes, sweet potatoes, spinach, greens and anything else that you can probably think about when you think about Thanksgiving.
Now as for schedule, here is what you should plan on. ALL Deliveries & Pick-Ups for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday will be happening Business as Usual. If you typically get your order on a Thursday or Friday in ABQ, our Wednesday afternoon delivery will be your last chance at amazing food before the holiday. Our crew will be eating with their friends and families (and taking the subsequent nap) on Thursday and Friday (National Leftover Day). Then we will be back in action on Sunday for our Sunday deliveries.

We will have pies, breads, produce, and all sorts of other goodies. But we will Not have any turkeys. This is the one thing that you need to grab yourself. We used to offer turkeys but I hated leaving a 20 lb bird on the doorsteps unattended. They have been known to get into trouble when left unsupervised you know.
Our Chariot Driver John. We had an anniversary birthday this week. Mr John Prosser officially turned 10 years old with the farm this week. That’s like 70 years for dogs. And I am sure that it sometimes feels like 70 years for him. He has done everything for us from admin, to packing, to driving. Whatever we need, I know that John will jump in with a smile, positivity, and focus to do amazing work.
In a business world where people change jobs more than they change their undies, having loyalty like this enables us to test ourselves to be better. If you are constantly training new faces it is impossible to feel comfortable enough to push the boundaries. John has helped us change these boundaries and expand what is possible for our local food system.

And I need to share one of my favorite stories about John. I was delivering boxes to Placitas one day and it was a route that John usually ran for us. I knocked on the door to drop the boxes and when the manager of the store came out she looked at me and was visibly disappointed. She grumbled “Where is Brad Pitt this week?” I made some joke about John being on the set of A River Runs Through It Part 2 but she definitely didn’t think my joke was funny. At least she and I could agree that John is a rock-star. So Cheers to 10 more John!
Lastly this pre-holiday week, I want to remind you about the Gift Boxes we will be offering this year. There are so many incredible food producers in New Mexico that it would be a shame to not highlight the work of all these local folks.
We will have several boxes to choose from ranging from the the Sweet Tooth to the Chile Addict looking to spice up their holiday season. Look for all of those on the web site. If you have a business or lots of gift boxes you are looking for this season, please contact us soon so we can help build out a memorable holiday gift idea with you. And a reminder that we have delivery trucks going from Los Alamos all the way to El Paso. So wherever your holiday needs take you, we will bring the cheer. Enjoy amigos, Farmer Monte