Some amazing things coming your way this week. Fresh cut asparagus (or grass as they call it in the produce world). Ranney Ranch grass-fed ground beef is back. Tomatillo and Jalapenos for you salsa lovers. And gorgeous cauliflower. Let me please offer my 2 pesos on cauliflower for you this week. Oven roasted. I used to steam it and got turned onto roasting it or grilling it at 400 degrees. Wow, the roasting brings out an incredible side to the flower that I never knew it had. I like using our red chile lime seasoning to give it a little kick too.
What’s In the Harvest Box Next Week?
I am so thankful that this chapter of yet another election cycle is coming to a close. I always feel like our country looks the worst in the shining light of our democracy. Don’t get me wrong, I would not trade our democracy for anything, but I just find it almost comical that we turn into a bunch of bickering little school kids every 4 years.
We have a lot of respect and compassion for our fellow Americans the majority of the time. But it is hard to see that during election years. Anyway, the good news is that it is about to pass. Cheers!
Some quick housekeeping notes. Thanksgiving. Like I try to do every year, we will have the Thanksgiving week Harvest Boxes to you a week early to help with your planning. So look for those by 11/12.
Our delivery schedule that week will be run as normal but we will be off Thursday and Friday to spend time with our families. So if you have a delivery scheduled for either of those days, please change your order day to another route that week. The last route we will send out will be the Same-Day Delivery route on Wednesday.
Speaking of Same-Day Delivery days. We are seeing some real energy going into them. It has taken a little time to pick up speed, but I think folks are finally realizing how cool it is to order by Noon for a delivery before 6pm.
In that light, I also would like to thank all of the members who have joined our “Friends of the Farm” level. It seems like this is picking up steam and we gave back $865 to our members this week for their large orders. And all of that while helping us be more profitable in our deliveries. This membership level will be the poster child of what a Win-Win situation looks like. If you have not looked at the membership level, I strongly encourage you to check it out. We are seeing members save 25% on their grocery bills.
A few reminders that we have happening right now, too. Fresh cider. We have both pint and gallons of unpasteurized Organic apple cider available. The pints are great to take on the go, and we have a limited number of gallons for those of you who love apple cider or for those of you who would like to make some hard cider.
Frozen apricots. At the end of the apricot season this year, we took a few hundred pounds and pitted them then froze them. Now, they are ready for your holiday creations. They are in bulk 20 lb cases and the perfect size for baking or making some jam for a special holiday gift. Check these babies out on the web site now because when they are gone, we will not see them until next July.
All in all, a beautiful fall week that we have been enjoying. Have a tasty week amigos, Farmer Monte