A quick note on breads before talking about some functions of our new web site.

Breads. Working with the bakery team, we realized that we need just a little more of a cut-off time in order to make the fresh breads manageable for our bakery crew. So we are going to need all of our bread orders in by Midnight 2 days before your order. So if you have a delivery on Tuesday, you need to finalize your bread order by Midnight on Sunday. The rest of your order deadline that you have become used to will not change. This is only for the breads in order to give us a little more time to plan and keep you stocked with fresh bread.

One suggestion is to think about what kind of breads you like and just place those into a recurring order for yourself. Recurring items are the best way to effectively pre-order staples that you need to keep your kitchen healthy and tasty.
But the big news buzzing around the farm these days is that the new web site has finally launched. This has been a 7 month project. Driven by customers’ demands, suggestions, and feedback, we have put together a shopping experience that I am sure you will dig. Here is what you need to know:
Our web site address will NOT change. Go to the same one, www.SKRS.Farm or www.SkarsgardFarms.com
Your user name and password have not changed.
After you log in the first time, Please, Please go to the top right corner and click on My Account and go through every tab to make sure addresses and info looks correct. It should be the same as your current info, but best to double check.
Also, because this is a remodel to the site, your credit card info DID NOT move. So please do not worry about identity theft with this new launch. All your info stayed in its current secure and encrypted spot.

Shopping Cart/Checkout! Probably one of the biggest changes, we have added the ubiquitous “Shopping Cart” to the web site. Folks who have been frustrated that we do not have a Checkout button, will now get their wish! You will still have up until your cut-off time to make any changes to your order. When you are done making changes to your order, you have to return to the Shopping Cart basket. You will need to click “Checkout” to finalize and confirm your order.
Mobile Ordering. This site is responsively designed to work (and look) amazing whether you are on your desktop, tablet, or phone. You will love the freedom that this new design gives you. I know (from personal experience) that the old design was a nightmare to use on any devices other than a desktop. Prepare to fall in love with this!
One-Time ordering. If you are planning on ordering an item just 1 time, I strongly suggest that you use the “One-Time” ordering tab instead of “This Week” ordering tab. When you select “One-Time”, all of your delivery options will show up and so you can select your delivery day and not be “forced” into a delivery day by the system.
Every time you Sign In, you will directed to your “Upcoming Deliveries” snap shot. This will show you a) All of the routes/weeks that you can choose from, and b) You will see Any/All of your recurring items that you have selected. From this screen, simply click the “Add Products” tab for the day and week that you would like to receive your order. A very simple way to know which day/week you should be expecting your order.
I think those are all the nuts and bolts we need to look at for now. Thanks for all of the support and I hope that this makes your ordering experience much better! We all know the food is incredible, now let’s just make the ordering system as incredible as the flavors.
Welcome Spring and let’s enjoy a great season, Farmer Monte