OK amigos, last reminder about the Spring Plant Sale and 1st Annual (of many) New Mexico Hard Cider Festival. May 2nd. Saturday. 9am-5pm at our warehouse, 3435 Stanford Dr NE. We will have plants and cider available all day. Judging from previous years, get there early for the plants. I cannot believe how many plants we sell on that day. We will have more plants than ever, but early bird gets the worm in this case. Hope to see you then.
Job Post and the Rise of Organics
Reminder about the Spring Plant Sale and 1st Annual (of many) New Mexico Hard Cider Festival. May 2nd. Saturday. 9am-5pm at our warehouse, 3435 Stanford Dr NE. We will have plants and cider available all day. Judging from previous years, get there early for the plants. I cannot believe how many plants we sell on that day. We will have more plants than ever, but early bird gets the worm in this case. Hope to see you then.
Farmers’ Market Season
Reminder about the Spring Plant Sale and 1st Annual (of many) New Mexico Hard Cider Festival. May 2nd. Saturday. 9am-5pm at our warehouse, 3435 Stanford Dr NE. We will have plants and cider available all day. Judging from previous years, get there early for the plants. I cannot believe how many plants we sell on that day. We will have more plants than ever, but early bird gets the worm in this case. And since I love the Kentucky Derby, we will be showing the race projected onto the wall too.
Reorganizing the Meat Ordering
First up, I need to grab my spoon and dive into a piece of humble pie. We have been making a real effort to connect you to better, fresher, healthier meat sources. And quite honestly, we have done a good job for the most part. The real issue that I have seen has been running short on meat orders after a member places the order. I could bore you with all of the logistical issues why this happens, but I would rather focus on how we will fix it.
Spring, Tours, and Cider Festivals

So the calendar is saying it is the first day of spring, but I would argue it just has not arrived yet. By this time of March, spring has usually sprung. People in their yards. Nurseries full of excitement. Farmers’ Markets and CSA starting to gain some momentum for the season. And quite honestly, we just are not seeing it yet. It will come, I know that, but I am just getting impatient.
Recurring Orders and Other Goodies
The snow is gone. The sunshine has returned. And spring is starting to show her face. With all this warmth, the fields will begin to fill up quickly at the farm. This week already saw over 5,000 tomato plants hit the protective confines of our greenhouses. We always try and hit a 4th of July first distribution date for tomatoes and hopefully this year will be no exception. Stay tuned for more stuff from the farm.
A Slow Start to Spring, But It’s Here?
First off, a quick reminder about the Prepay Discount that we will continue through the end of the month. For every $1,000 you prepay to your account, the farm will add $100 as a Thank You for your continued support. You can use this credit however and whenever you choose.
El Paso and A Candle in the Cake
First off on this super busy week around the farm, El Paso Home Delivery launch. El Paso has been a great supporter of the farm for many years and we just could never break through some of the logistical issues to run a home delivery program. Finally, with the help of Cameron, we have made this potential a reality. So thanks for everyone who kept asking for this option, we do listen.
Small Farm Viability and Expanded Internships
I read a very interesting article this week by Jaclyn Moyer, “What nobody told me about small farming: I can’t make a living.” That was the second article that I have read recently bringing up concerns about the economic viability of the small farm. Both articles were very well written and addressed the quintessential question that any business asks, “Do I have a financially viable business model?”
Baby Plants and a New Beef Rancher
What an amazing start to February. The warm weather and clear sunny days have kicked our greenhouse production up about a week so we began a radish harvest earlier than we expected. These are some of the most beautiful radishes I have ever seen.